If you would like to leave a comment, or have a suggestion/issue with something on the site. Please click the "Edit" button and leave a message here. If it is a comment about a problem on the site, or suggestion for the site, I will review the comment/suggestion and make the appropriate changes to the site (provided its not something about coding or embedding). Once the correction has been fixed, I will delete the comment. I welcome all suggestions and comments (good or bad) as they will help improve the site for the people that use it. Since I am fairly new to creating sites, please keep in mind that I cannot do templates and such at the present moment, but I am doing research (when I have the time) on how to do this to help make the site more user friendly. If anyone wants to help contribute by making templates and such, please email me at beau16232@yahoo.com and we can discuss it.


Name (in-game, annonymous, or real)
Please try to keep the comments as polite as possible. If you have an issue with the site that you are unable to remain polite about, please email me at beau16232@yahoo.com instead of posting it here. Thanks.