Necromancer: Ritual of the Servant, Acolytes

Discussion in 'Spell Casters' started by Karvokh, Sep 2, 2013.

  1. Karvokh Member

    Is there any chance the sound effect for the hp/mp restoration spells from these Minions could be removed, please?
    It becomes rather mind/eardrum-numbing over long dungeon hauls, and somehow sounds very loud in comparison to other spell effects.
  2. Coadex Wulf Member

    Nah, really u only get limited choices.. Basically I have gone into sound and turned off everything.. Except a little UI and Music :)
    The passive sounds in vangaurd are beyond horendous.. Birds.. Minions.. Constant loud pointless flapping . Why not hear everyone's characters breathing loudly all day

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