Bro Team

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Cardan, Sep 24, 2012.

  1. So this is hilarious, my buddy told me to look up bro team yesterday. These guys review games sarcastically.
    Here is their review for Tera Online. HAHAHA

    Warning, they have potty mouths so NSFW or kids
  2. Pretty annoying and douchey . Reminds me why we have professional comedians.

    I lasted about 10 seconds
  3. Eleusis wrote:
    Guessing not the first time. ZING
  4. Eleusis wrote:
    I totally agree.. I would never buy a cd with this stuff on it, but when my buddy sent me a link in Google chat, and told me it was a great game review, i was totally expecting a serious review. But when i watched it, i laughed hard. I guess i am just glad my kids werent in my office.
    Sometimes, when we take so much "ish" seriously in life (and in game), it is nice to laugh at stupid stuff.

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