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Bug 470: (zippyzee) After you have done the

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 9:44 am
by BugTracker
Bug ID       : 470 - After you have done the  
Bug Date     : 2016/03/30 08:08:10
Assigned To  : zippyzee
Priority     : Low

Category     : VGClient
Sub-Category : Gameplay: Quest
Severity     : Standard
Reproducible : Only seen once
After you have done the "Familly Tools" quest, the "Trentrees Tools" apprear into the marchant "Buyback" menu. (i.e Kamashi Sunrain)
Originated From World: New Telon (1)
Chunk                : Isle of Dawn (1)
Location             : -19500 18044 1045

Re: Bug 470: (zippyzee) After you have done the

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 9:57 am
by zippyzee
Now that is cool! I'll have to try that out. I can't think of any reason that should happen.

Re: Bug 470: (zippyzee) After you have done the

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 1:26 pm
by Blackstorm
Hi, Zippy ^^
i send you a new screen

That seems to be in the "server remove items process", i think the correct op is not used when the item is deleted from a quest and not directly from the character inventory, but my sources are outdated and you may have updated a lot of things on that side ^^
Buyback issue
Buyback issue
edit: And in fact, it's not only for that item, but for all quests items ^^

Re: Bug 470: (zippyzee) After you have done the

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 1:56 pm
by zippyzee
Do they persist when you log out/back in? I would guess not based on the way I handle items and inventory. If not, I am sending the wrong remove from inventory code, then. It may hearken back to testing long ago and never got changed.

Re: Bug 470: (zippyzee) After you have done the

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 2:03 pm
by Blackstorm
Just tryed, and i can say, it's not persistent. So if you delog/relog, items are not present into the buyback.

I will retry from the begining to try to reproduice it again.

Re: Bug 470: (zippyzee) After you have done the

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 2:12 pm
by Blackstorm
Ok, easly reproduiced.

- Go to "Tan Fen Greatcloud" and reset your quests.
- Start the questline.
- When you speak to "Kiri Trentrees", she give you "Letter for Veteran Sixfish"
- Go to "Veteran Sixfish" and complete the quest.
- Go to "Kamashi Sunrain" (expert craftman) and open the "Merchant" box.

Into the "Buyback" menu, you will find the "Letter for Veteran Sixfish".

--> In addition, when you "abandon" a quest, and if you have a quest item, that item also goes into the "buyback" menu.

Re: Bug 470: (zippyzee) After you have done the

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 2:29 pm
by zippyzee
Right. I'm not doubting it. I'll look into it soon.

Re: Bug 470: (zippyzee) After you have done the

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 3:30 pm
by Jakkal
Just checked and it did this with "Report to Dahknarg" with the item "Official Dahknarg Report" as well. So it's not just IOD.

Re: Bug 470: (zippyzee) After you have done the

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 3:44 pm
by Moldew
I think Zippy needs to rewrite all of IoD now, that will solve this problem.

Re: Bug 470: (zippyzee) After you have done the

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 4:41 pm
by zippyzee
The fix is simple. The code I'm sending to the client to inform it to remove it from inventory is the wrong code. It apparently puts it in the vendor buyback.

When you really sell something to a vendor you actually keep the item in your inventory,with a variable that says it is in buyback, just like in the bank, on the broker, etc. I then have to make sure it saves and loads to the database for your character.

I'm not doing that here so that's why they disappear when you log out and back in.

It's just the client confused. It needs to know they are gone gone, not in buyback.