It is currently Tue Jan 21, 2025 09:49 am
- GM Commands
List of Custom GM Commands (dot commands) available currently Note that you must have the required access to use the command, some are restricted on New Telon Tokens: A = All, G = GM/Dev only |
Commands | ||||||
ID | Command+Sub | Syntax | Description | Token | ||
172 | .action copy | .action copy {ID} | Copies crafting action | C | ||
106 | .aggro | .aggro [on/off] | Turns npc aggro on/off for character | A | ||
51 | .anim | Root .anim command | A | |||
52 | .anim combat | Plays the Combat Animation corresponding to the number following the command | A | |||
53 | .anim spell | Plays the Ability Animation corresponding to the number following the command | A | |||
58 | .announcement | Sends a announcement to all players online | C | |||
163 | .assembly copy | .assembly copy {Recipe ID} | Copies Assembly Recipe | C | ||
97 | .attribute | Top Level command for attribute modifications | D | |||
104 | .attribute dump | Dumps all of the attributes for the target pawn. | D | |||
84 | .attribute reset | Resets attribute base values for the target player. | D | |||
98 | .attribute setbase | Sets a stat or attribute base value to specific amount. | D | |||
186 | .ban | {Name} | Bans a players account | D | ||
190 | .boat | .boat [cullto|deed|info|moveto|show|takedeed] | Top-level command for boat | A | ||
194 | .boat deed | .boat deed | Deed up closest boat | C | ||
193 | .boat info | .boat info | Shows information on closest boat | C | ||
191 | .boat list | .boat list | Lists status of all boats for current character | A | ||
192 | .boat moveto | .moveto {x} {y} {z} | Move closest boat to location {x},{y},{z} | C | ||
195 | .boat takedeed | .boat takedeed | Deed up closest boat and take deed from players inventory | C | ||
57 | .broadcast | Broadcast message to all players online | C | |||
130 | .cast | .cast [spell id] | Command to cast any spell via spell id | C | ||
20 | .chunk | Top-level command for Chunk | C | |||
21 | .chunk details | Display details of the current chunk | C | |||
22 | .chunk set | Set values of the current Chunk | C | |||
115 | .chunk shutdown | .chunk shutdown [chunk_id] | This will force a chunk to shutdown if there are no players | D | ||
87 | .claim | Display's the claim window | A | |||
68 | .collision | Toggles object collision on and off | D | |||
141 | .csw | .csw | Display the Customer Support Window | A | ||
91 | .depop movers | Depops the current chunk movers | D | |||
92 | .depop ppo | Depops the current chunk ppo's | D | |||
11 | .depop spawns | Removes spawns from the current chunk | C | |||
139 | .distance | .distance | Distance from off and/or def target | C | ||
205 | .dooroffset | .dooroffset {house_spawn_id} {mover_id} | Get's the door offset | C | ||
134 | .exchange | .exchange | Brings up the Exchange Window | C | ||
8 | .faction | Top-level command for Factions | C | |||
10 | .faction get | Gets the faction value | C | |||
9 | .faction set | Sets the faction value | C | |||
183 | .find | .find {name} | Can do no name and get everything or partial | C | ||
116 | .flags | Root .flags command. | D | |||
117 | .flags list | Lists the flags of your defensive target. | D | |||
119 | .flags remove | Removes the specified flag. | D | |||
118 | .flags set | Sets the flag key=value. | D | |||
54 | .fly | Allows the player's character to fly | B | |||
66 | .forward | Moves you forward in the forward facing direction | C | |||
47 | .getmotd | Get the server MOTD | A | |||
175 | .getpawntype | .getpawntype | Get's the pawn type value | B | ||
201 | .getracetype | .getracetype | Get's the race type value | A | ||
148 | .giveas | Gives player Ancient Sigils | C | |||
46 | .giveexp | Gives players experience based on sphere | C | |||
111 | .gminvis | .gminvis [on/off] | Stop's replicating player spawn to other clients | C | ||
18 | .goto | Teleports you to your target's location/heading | C | |||
69 | .gravity | Toggles gravity on and off | C | |||
70 | .guild | Top-level command for guilds | A | |||
61 | .guild create | Request to server to create a guild | C | |||
29 | .guild join | guild join {id} [player|target] | Allows players to place themselves in guild by ID | C | ||
28 | .guild list | guild list {name} | Lists guilds that partially match {name} | A | ||
42 | .inventory | Top-level command for inventory | C | |||
101 | .inventory clear | .inventory clear | Clears the user's inventory bags. | A | ||
102 | .inventory list | .inventory list | Lists the character's inventory contents | A | ||
129 | .irc | Stub handler for irc commands | E | |||
127 | .irc connect | Connects to global irc server | E | |||
128 | .irc disconnect | Disconnect from global irc server | E | |||
37 | .item | Top-level command for Items | C | |||
39 | .item add | Adds an item to a character | C | |||
121 | .item copy | .item copy [item id] | Copy's and creates a duplicate item with a new id | C | ||
168 | .item heroic | .item heroic [item id] | Copies and creates heroic verion of the specified item | C | ||
38 | .item list | List item by ID or keyword | C | |||
167 | .item rare | .item rare [item id] | Copies and creates rare verion of the specified item | C | ||
40 | .item remove | Removes an item from a character | C | |||
185 | .kick | .kick {Name} | Kicks the player from the server | C | ||
60 | .kill | Instantly kills offensive or defensive target | C | |||
170 | .killall | .killall {pc, npc or all} | EVerything must DIE!!! | D | ||
159 | .lever | Top-level command for lever | C | |||
165 | .lever copy | .lever copy {lever_id} | Creates a copy of lever_id | C | ||
161 | .lever details | .lever details [leverid] | Shows details for the lever with the specified id | A | ||
160 | .lever set | .lever set [leverid] [value] | Sets current level of lever with the specified id to the specified value | C | ||
24 | .listcommands | Lists available GM Commands | C | |||
198 | .los | .los | Checks your offensive target for line of sight | C | ||
4 | .luadebug | Turns on in-game LUA debug messages | C | |||
189 | .masterloot | .masterloot | Enables/disabled master loot system 2.0 | A | ||
3 | .move | Moves you to x,y,z location in the current chunk | B | |||
158 | .mover copy | .mover copy {Mover ID} | Copies a mover to your location | C | ||
147 | .parley | Top-level command for Parley | A | |||
166 | .parley copy | .parley copy {parley_id} {spawn_id} | Creates a copy of parley_id and associates it to spawn_id | C | ||
146 | .parley copydeck | .parley copydeck [srcpid] [srcspawnid] [destpid] [destspawnid] | Copies deck used for a parley (srcpid) on one spawn (srcspawnid) to a parley (destpid) on another spawn (destspawnid). | C | ||
145 | .parley copydialog | .parley copydialog [sourceparleyid] [destparleyid] | Copies parley dialog from existing parley with id sourceparleyid to existing parley with destparleyid | C | ||
144 | .petition delete | .petition delete {account_id} | Delete's specified petition | C | ||
142 | .petition list | .petition list | Display's petitions | C | ||
143 | .petition view | .petition view {account_id} | Show's the details of a petition | C | ||
126 | .poicreate | .poicreate [sphere] | Creates a PoI entry for player's target | C | ||
88 | .quest | Top-level command for quests | A | |||
85 | .quest complete | Marks a quest complete for the player | C | |||
138 | .quest copy | .quest copy [quest_id] | Creates a copy of the request quest | C | ||
99 | .quest list | .quest list | Lists all quests for the character | A | ||
114 | .quest objective | quest objective | Marks a quest objective complete | C | ||
100 | .quest offer | quest offer [quest_id] | Offers a quest, regardless of eligibility | A | ||
86 | .quest reset | quest reset [quest_id or 'all'] | Resets a quest for a player, or all quests | A | ||
152 | .recipe add | .recipe add {recipe_id} | Adds recipe to targeted character | C | ||
140 | .recipe copy | .recipe copy {ID} | Copies crafting recipe | C | ||
136 | .recipe pasteresults | .recipe pasteresults [base] [target] | Pastes crafting recipe results from one ID onto another | C | ||
157 | .recipe remove | .recipe remove {recipe_id} | Remove recipe from targeted character | C | ||
13 | .reload | Top-level command for Reload | C | |||
132 | .reload assembly | Reloads the assembly options and recipes | C | |||
105 | .reload attributes | Reloads all attribute data. | D | |||
188 | .reload ban | .reload ban | Reloads the ban account list | C | ||
169 | .reload botspells | Reloads bot spells from Database | C | |||
72 | .reload chunks | Reloads all chunks from the database | C | |||
75 | .reload chunkscripts | Reloads all Chunk Scripts from the database and filesystem | C | |||
150 | .reload claim | Reloads all claims | C | |||
103 | .reload classscripts | .reload classscripts | Reloads all class scripts. | C | ||
79 | .reload commands | Reloads all commands from the database | C | |||
120 | .reload crafting | Reloads crafting recipes and actions | C | |||
153 | .reload craftingtrainer | .reload craftingtrainer | Reloads the recipes on the crafting trainer | C | ||
206 | .reload deconstruction | .reload deconstruction | Reloads deconstruction loot table | C | ||
82 | .reload diplomacy | Reloads all diplomacy data from the database | C | |||
154 | .reload encounters | .reload encounters | Reloads the master encounter list | C | ||
15 | .reload factions | Command to reload Factions master list | C | |||
81 | .reload guilds | Reloads all guild data from the database | D | |||
109 | .reload harvesting | .reload harvesting | Reloads the harvesting tables | C | ||
204 | .reload housing | .reload housing | Reloads all housing lists | C | ||
71 | .reload item | .reload item [item id] | Reloads an item from the database based on ID. | C | ||
78 | .reload itemscripts | Reloads all item scripts | C | |||
182 | .reload itemsetbonus | .reload itemsetbonus | Reloads the item_set_bonus table | C | ||
162 | .reload levers | Reloads the civic diplomacy levers | C | |||
113 | .reload loot | .reload loot | Reloads spawn loot tables. | C | ||
197 | .reload lootinformant | .reload lootinformant | Reload informant loot table from database | C | ||
196 | .reload lootparley | .reload lootparley | Reload parley loot table from database | C | ||
73 | .reload lua | Destroys the entire LUA system (all types) and reloads all data from the database and filesystem | D | |||
83 | .reload mail | Reloads all system mail from the database | D | |||
149 | .reload marketplace | Reloads the MarketPlace | C | |||
89 | .reload movers | Reloads the current chunk movers | C | |||
133 | .reload moverscripts | .reload moverscripts | Reloads all Mover Scripts from the database and filesystem | C | ||
125 | .reload npcspells | Reloads Npc Spells from Database | C | |||
108 | .reload parleyscripts | .reload parleyscripts | Reloads diplomacy parley scripts | C | ||
80 | .reload poilocations | Reloads all Points of Interest locations from the database | C | |||
90 | .reload ppo | Reloads the current chunk ppo's | C | |||
76 | .reload questscripts | Reloads questscripts | C | |||
155 | .reload racescripts | .reload racescripts | Reloads all race scripts | C | ||
164 | .reload rules | .reload rules | Relaods the current ruleset values | D | ||
107 | .reload spawngroups | .reload spawngroups | This reloads the `spawn_group` and `spawn_group entry` tables along with performing a spawn reload. | C | ||
19 | .reload spawns | Command to reload Spawns master list | C | |||
74 | .reload spawnscripts | Reloads all Spawn Scripts from the database and filesystem | C | |||
33 | .reload spells | Reloads Spells from Database | C | |||
77 | .reload spellscripts | Reloads all Spell Scripts from the database and filesystem | C | |||
16 | .reload titles | Command to reload Titles master list | C | |||
173 | .reload tuning | .reload tuning | Reload tuning values | C | ||
135 | .reload vendors | .reload vendors | Reloads all vendors inventory | C | ||
95 | .repop | Top-level command for Repop | D | |||
93 | .repop movers | Repops the current chunk movers | C | |||
94 | .repop ppo | Repops the current chunk ppo's | C | |||
12 | .repop spawns | Respawns entire chunk | C | |||
112 | .reset cooldowns | .reset cooldowns | Resets the user's active cooldowns. | C | ||
177 | .restrictarea | .restrictarea {add|list|delete} | Top-level command for restrictarea | C | ||
178 | .restrictarea add | .restrictarea add {x1} {y1} {x2} {y2} {x3} {y3} {x4} {y4} | Create quadrangle defined by 4 x,y points provided in the current chunk that vehicles will be restricted from moving into. | C | ||
180 | .restrictarea delete | .restrictarea delete {id} | Delete the restricted area with the specified id | C | ||
179 | .restrictarea list | .restrictarea list | List restricted areas vehicles for current chunk along with ids | C | ||
1 | .rift | Transports you to a different chunk | A | |||
48 | .sendmotd | Send the server MOTD to all active players' chat | C | |||
50 | .setdev | Toggles your defensive target's IsDev flag on or off | D | |||
110 | .setdrawscale | .setdrawscale [size] .9, .8 etc etc | Set's target player size | C | ||
44 | .setgender | Set players gender | C | |||
49 | .setgm | Toggles your defensive target's IsGM flag on or off | C | |||
96 | .setinvul | Toggles your defensive target's IsInvul flag on or off | C | |||
43 | .setlevel | Sets the players level for adventure, crafting and diplomacy | A | |||
65 | .setmodel | Sets the modelNum value on an NPC | D | |||
56 | .setmoney | Gives player Money | A | |||
41 | .setmotd | Set the server MOTD | C | |||
174 | .setpawntype | .setpawntype {Value} | Set's the pawn type value | B | ||
203 | .setplotlink | .setplotlink | Sets the plot link ID for a forsale sign and a cornerstone | B | ||
45 | .setrace | Set race for current target (NPC or Player) | D | |||
200 | .setracetype | .setracetype {Value} | Set's the race type value | B | ||
176 | .setrespawn chunk | .setrespawn chunk [value] | Set's respawn timer for entire chunk | C | ||
199 | .setrespawn target | .setrespawn target {value} | Set's respawn timer for all spawn location of your target | C | ||
32 | .settime | Sets the time-of-day for all clients globally | E | |||
187 | .silence | .silence {Name} | Silences a player from all chat | C | ||
14 | .spawn | Top-level command for Spawn | C | |||
202 | .spawn chance | .spawn chance {value} | Set's the spawn chance for the location_id of the targeted spawn | C | ||
26 | .spawn combine | Combines spawns in a radius into a single _placement | C | |||
124 | .spawn combinelist | .spawn combinelist | Lists how many spawns are combined at a location, and their spawn IDs | C | ||
63 | .spawn copy | .spawn copy [Target] | Makes an exact copy of your offensive target | E | ||
62 | .spawn create | Creates a new Pawn object | F | |||
23 | .spawn details | Display details of the current target or | B | |||
122 | .spawn duplicate | .spawn duplicate [Target] | Creates a new spawn location for your target | E | ||
64 | .spawn randomize | Randomizes your offensive target appearances | D | |||
25 | .spawn remove | Removes targetted spawn from Spawn List and DB | C | |||
137 | .spawn stats | .spawn stats | Shows stats for offensive/defensive target | C | ||
123 | .spawn uncombine | .spawn uncombine | Attempts to uncombine a target spawn | C | ||
171 | .spawntemp | .spawntemp {spawn_id} | Temporary spawns a NPC | C | ||
2 | .speed | Sets the ground speed of the player - default speed is 750 | B | |||
36 | .spell | Top-level command for Spells | C | |||
34 | .spell add | Adds a spell to the character spell map | C | |||
151 | .spell copy | .spell copy {spell_id} | Creates a copy of spell_id | C | ||
181 | .spell line | .spell line | Show next available spell line value | C | ||
131 | .spell list | .spell list [id/keyword] | Show's spell details | C | ||
35 | .spell remove | Removes a spell from the character spell map | D | |||
156 | .stat dump | C | ||||
184 | .stuck | .stuck {character name} | Sends a character on the same account to the safe loc in their chunk | A | ||
17 | .summon | Summons entity to your current location/heading | C | |||
59 | .test | [Dev Only] To test stuff | C | |||
5 | .title | Top-level command for Titles | C | |||
6 | .title add | Adds a title to a character | C | |||
7 | .title remove | Removes a title from a character | C | |||
55 | .toggleclip | Toggles player's clipping | C | |||
67 | .up | Moves you upwards by an amount given | C | |||
27 | .useability | .useability [id|name] | Allows casting of any ability for testing | C | ||
Rows: 204 |