Q regarding Artisan Factions

Discussion in 'Tradeskill Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-geopsun, Nov 3, 2012.

  1. When I complete a workorder, I see I get three types of faction adjustments.
    1. Continental artisan faction - Used in tier quests and things like boat building.
    2. City faction - Useful to repair KOS status
    3. City artisan faction (e.g., Leth Nurae Artisans)
    What's #3 all about? What benefits does accumulating city artisan faction open for you? What thresholds must be met to see these benefits?
  2. Doesn't come into play very often. There are a few quests that require a certain amount of city artisan faction to be able to get, but you can usually get that either by doing work orders or some starter quest. Some of the rindol field quests come to mind as falling in this category.
    Other than that, it's not really needed. The main ones to be concerned about are the continental artisan factions.

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