Can't find vgclient.ini

Discussion in 'Performance Support' started by ARCHIVED-Muya, Aug 23, 2012.

  1. I use to have a customui on this laptop but deleted the folder for the ui. Now when I click play on the launchpad VG closes before it reaches the char select screen. No error or crash message, it just closes. Now the only response I've gotten in the last 6 days from my petition was to update my graphics driver which I'm sure was just a canned response.
    I've gone and tried to find my vgclient.ini but it is no where to be found. It SHOULD be in c:/users/public/sony/installed games/vanguard/vguiassets/shels/bin but it isn't. There are 5 files in the bin folder all named with numbers: 1024, 1280, 1440, 1600, and 1920. again, vgclient.ini doesn't exist anywhere on my computer.
    I have already completely reinstalled Vanguard and launchpad and done numerous file validations but it's not there.
    anyone know what's up?

    I have win 7
  2. vgclient.ini is in your vanguard\bin folder
  3. I believe that file is created when the game is successfully launched for the first time. It not being there is not a big deal when it's first installed I believe. Make certain you start with a fresh install, then run the game as is; see if you get a vgclient.ini then. After that, feel free to mod away.
  4. Hi guys, thanks for the responses. So my bin folder was in VGUIassets. i just deleted vguiassets and ran the launchpad and did file validation and now my bin folder is in the vanguard folder... my problem is that i cannot launch the game anymore since i deleted that customui folder almost a week ago, even though i have reinstalled
  5. Try uninstalling; then making certain to delete the entire vanguard folder (get yourself to as clean a state as youcan). Then grab launchpad and have it install again for you.
  6. Thanks gpx1000. I had already reinstalled twice, and reinstalled again and still had the issue. But this morning I reinstalled again and now I no longer have this issue.... Strange
  7. Glad you're able to play again; please feel free to let us know if you run into other problems.

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