Twighlyte Song

Discussion in 'Guild Recruitment' started by Bowdacious, Jun 4, 2013.

  1. Bowdacious Member

    Guild Name: Twighlyte Song

    Leaders: Bowdacious, Lillizn

    Guild Type: Casual guild focusing on questing and grouping of all levels (especially levels 1 - 29)

    Guild Chat Maturity Rating: PG13 (Parental Guidance)

    Primary Play Times: While the guild generally doesn't sleep with players on during the day and night, the majority of guild members are in North American timezones (Pacific, Central, and Eastern) with smaller groups in Oceanic and European timezones.

    Guild Premise/Goals: Our guild is made up of a core group of community-minded individuals that enjoy welcoming new, low, and returning players to the Telon Server. The members are friendly, helpful, and patient. We have crafters of all professions eager help with the fabrication of various items and houses. Finally, our diplomats are often putting up civic buffs around Telon.


    Application process: Speak to a leader or officer in game for a guild invite. Application is on our website is required for access to our forums, calendar etc.
  2. Leavwiz Well-Known Member

    I am always glad to lend a hand to players looking for help with the TS tag. I hope it continues to be a home for players learning the game and helping others along.
  3. Exmortis Well-Known Member

    There are alot of guilds on the Telon server, but only TS has The Bowdacious. Reason alone to join.
  4. Raederle Member

    Got to say, I love it how many of our guilds are generally quite fond of one another. Such a great community :)
  5. Bowdacious Member

    Heh Exmortis, as nice as you are, I'm getting the impression you want something? ;)
  6. SamanthasDad New Member

    I'll jump on the Twighlyte Song bandagon and sing their praises as well. After a few years away from the game I came back and found TS recruiting. Tons of members, many with lots of experience in this game, and very friendly and helpful. I've since left TS for a more end-game oriented guild, but encouraged my daughter to join and stay in TS until she's ready for the end-game and\or a more 'mature language' guild...which may be never if I have my way! She's still there, and has a few characters now.

    Regardless, you can't go wrong with Bow's leadership and knowledge, and TS has the numbers to help out many new folks looking to learn more about VG.

    And unlike Treager, I don't want anything from you Bow...just keep up the good work! :)
  7. Exmortis Well-Known Member

    Haha nothing at all my friend.
  8. Bowdacious Member

    Looking for more lowbies!
  9. Tanstaafl Member

    Love being a member of TS, and always happy to help out. However....
    I distinctly remember that pie was promised as a "perq" of membership....
    (taps foot and rubs stomach ;).
    Seriously, though, it's by far the most supportive guild I've come across, period, and Bowd is a big part of the reason. Whether you start on IoD or elsewhere, there's usually sooner on and nearby who's willing to help.
  10. Billham Member

    Greetings my fellow Telonians,

    It is with much sadness in our hearts that we watch the mass exodus of our friends in the wake of the announcement of the sunset of our world. However, many of us feel that our journeys are not yet complete, with many goals left to accomplish and ample time in which to achieve them.

    Twighlyte Song has long been known for being friendly to new, returning and veteran players alike. While we have suffered from the same decline in active members as most guilds, we want everyone to know that we are here to stay until the end. We will strive to help all who join us to reach their goals as we sail into the sunset.
    Schiller and Solarison like this.

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