All Access or not? A lose/Lose situation.

Discussion in 'Account Related Support' started by Zarrian, Jan 26, 2014.

  1. Zarrian Member

    So, we all go to All Access on April 2nd, however there is a HUGE catch as far as I can tell. Prior to the announcement this week our accounts (3) were renewed for 3 months. We have gold accounts and since we left EQ2 for this game, had no desire to return, until now.

    For starters, the 500 SC a month included in our Gold account apparently requires that you log into a different game, and that requires a subscription to one of those games. Well we won't have All Access until April, so that's not an option. Since the price of All Access is not that much more, perhaps we should upgrade now? But wait, the 3 months that we already just paid for don't get refunded, so we would have to pay for yet another 3 months times 3 accounts + expansions to EQ2!

    So after billing us almost $90 for 3 months of access to this game, not to mention that we purchased and spent a good deal of points on this game (almost $200 in last month) thinking it would remain long term, my choice is to throw away either 3,500 SC points included in our VG subscription (3 accounts, 3 months, 500 SC per account, per month) or $90 that we just paid for 3 months to go All Access?

    Given the circumstances, I really think having to jump through hoops to get the SC points is a bit harsh. I'm told technically you don't lose the remaining time, it gets added to the account should you decide to quit down the line. I did not chose for you to cancel the game, yet I can understand that it was a business decision. Billing me for 3 months of service and then changing the terms (no more 500SC a month in VG) on the other hand is not a way to encourage players to go to another game in the stable that will already cost them $39.99 per account just to get the latest content.
  2. Seffrid Member

    Your existing SC arrangements won't change before April, you'll still get the 500 SC per account each month until then - see Piestro's reply to your other post about this.

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