Tired of mouse click crafting...

Discussion in 'Tradeskill Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-cineha, Aug 22, 2012.

  1. I posted this in a macro thread in the newbie area but I though I would post it here as well.
    My craftiung is setup of 10 macros 1 to add items to workbench 8 to craft 1 to loot
    my additems workbench
    /refineadditem Water
    /refineadditem Solvent
    /refineadditem Cleaner

    Just make sure you put the most important up front. If I need to make changes for a one off I will do so by mouse click. Also note that this list will change as you get more experienced in crafting.
    Now for the crafting I label mine 1 through 8
    This on is name 1

    /craftingselectstep 8
    /craftingselectstep 7
    /craftingselectstep 6
    /craftingselectstep 5
    /craftingselectstep 4
    /craftingselectstep 3
    /craftingselectstep 2
    /craftingselectstep 1
    /craftingselectaction 1

    macro 1 selects the next available step and choose the 1 action under that step
    this one is named 2
    /craftingselectstep 8
    /craftingselectstep 7
    /craftingselectstep 6
    /craftingselectstep 5
    /craftingselectstep 4
    /craftingselectstep 3
    /craftingselectstep 2
    /craftingselectstep 1
    /craftingselectaction 2

    macro 2 selects the next available step and choose the 2 action under that step
    I continue making these until I have 8. why 8? cuase that is what I made and I have never use more then 5 right now.
    The last one is loot
    I still handle all complication and dust adding by mouse click.
    So when I am grinding Work Order I change my hotbar to my crafting bar and press 9 to add my items. then press any combination of 1 through 8 until I have crafted my items, Always A grade (LOL yaeh right). Handeling all complication with my mouse. then after my crafting is done I press 0 to loot all.

    This setup does assume you are familar with your step to know what action you want to take. It is not hard to remember since you will be grinding WOs for a bit.
    Have a great day
    Note:Typos and such left to presever the writer's orignal typing skills
  2. crafting in this game needs to have the UI bindable to number keys like EQ II.
    Having to go through this confusing macro crap to be user friendly is stupid.
  3. although i also use a number of macros, i actually like doing the steps, it makes me feel more like an artisan.
  4. fggg wrote:
    I am assuming you mean figuring it out, because what I posted you just cut and past give it a title and change the very last number from 1 to 2 ect..
    yeah I do that when I am crafting for trade but work order I just use my macros but I get where you are coming from :D
  5. fggg wrote:
    You can make them a LOT simpler macros, but then you need to have more keys.
    For instance, I do the following:
    Macro 1:
    /craftingselectstep 1
    /craftingselectaction 1
    Macro 2:
    /craftingselectstep 2
    /craftingselectaction 2

    When I start a 5 batch work order, I go through an redo my actions part of my macros, but leave the steps there. that way, 2 is always for 2, 3 for 3, and so on. Sometimes you need to use the mouse to handle complications, or select non-standard actions, but these macros will get you through 90% of each work order without clicking.
    I just go down the line hitting 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5 (or whatever it calls for). however, when you run into a gambit of 5-6 complications in a row, you can still end up doing a lot of clicking.
  6. Fargham wrote:
    First rule of coding be it program, macro or whatever code for teh 90% not 10% of the problem. In this case complcations. When I grind WO with my macros I click maybe 10-20% of the time. that leave 80-90% click free :)
    As for your macro suggestions. I use to do this and it work great when I had only 1 or 2 actions per step. Right now here is how it breaks down for me
    Step 1 has 2 action2
    Steps 2-4 has 5 actions each
    Step 5 has 2 actions
    This make a total of 19 actions availabel. I am not making 19 macros and use up 2 hotbars (for the record I tried it and did not like it). So I could use 6 keys and have to edit them for the step I am on. This is not a viable option for me as I am trying to get through Work Orders as fast as I can.
    Mine you can shorten it to 8 keys; 1 for adding items to workbench, 6 for all step and actions, and 1 for loot (this can be optional). I use 10 keys. why? because I got on a roll making the macros in less then 2 mins.
    Here is my hot bar
    The last two are optional but 1 is alway 1 and 2 is always 2 and so on. I never have to edit my macros for what steps I am on. Just select the work order and press, using my example above, 9 and my work bench is loaded up. now I Start crafting pressing 1,2,2,2,1,4,2,2,3,3,4,2,4 and finally 1 to finish my item follow my 0, my lootall macro. Sure you have to click to clear complications but I am cliking only 10-20% at most. This is a great reduction in the number of click I have to do per work order item.
    I can chose every actions with only 8 keys, once the macro is made you never have to look at them again. And once again you can cut it from the text here and past it into a macro. only needing to give it a title and change the last number to the action number you want it to be and never look at them again.
    Here is how my macros that it look so complicated, work; they use the fall through technique
    Lets say your workbench is ready to go and you are on step 1 of the work order. I press 1 giving me step-1 action-1 it gets to step 1 because it fell though all the other step finding step 1 is available. It then press action-1 and step-1 is finshed. Now I have 4 actions in step-2. I press my 2 macro. The macro goes through each step stoping at step 2 because step 1 is already complete. Then it chooses action-2. when I need action-4 I press 4 my macro stops at step-2 because once again step-1 is done and it select action-4. When I get to step-3 and want action-2 I press 2 this time I get step-3 action-2 because steps 1 and 2 are done. when step 3 is complete I press 2 I get step-4 action-2 because steps 1 though 3 are complete. Finnaly I get to step 5, I press 2 to do step-5 action-2 and because all other actions are done you get step-5 action-2
    Sure complication you have to handle by hand but if you are not a fan of clicking try it. If you do not like it no problem enjoy. I was just trying to help out those that do not like clicking or constantly editing macros. Where 1,2 and 3 ect.. are always action 1,2,or 3 of the current step you are on.
    Sorry if it bothered you. I was just trying to help those that did not want to figure this out and were getting bummed by having to click so much.
    Have a great day and see you in Telon
  7. I'm not going to argue what works for you, in fact, I suggest everyone tailor the macros for themselves. My point was that you don't have to make them extremely complicated in order to reduce your mouse clicks.
    As far as changing macros, I did find a large number of different work orders had: resource- utility - station - tool - tool - utility - combine, so i went about 10-15 work orders in a row that I never had to change macros for. I'm all for getting done as many work orders in under the 2 hour period myself, but in reality, if I miss a few second here and there - it doesn't bother me that much.
  8. Fargham wrote:
    If you flip them you don't need to make more than like 8 total. /craftingselectaction 1 and then /craftingselectstep 1. You can then jump around on parts where you can complete the steps in a different order than numerical. It's easier to see in action than explain it. Each macro is only 2 lines this way. If I was on step 4 and wanted to use the 3rd action I would just push 4 then 3. If it's not on a part that'll use the action it'll skip the first line and move on to the next.

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