good races for Bard

Discussion in 'Light Fighters' started by ARCHIVED-Sliceandice, Jul 12, 2012.

  1. Had a bash with the Bard on the test server last night and loved the whole song book thing, Going to make one on the live server tonight but can't seem to pick a race for it.

    What races and the traits go well with a bard ?

    The test server runs smoother then the live can't wait for it to go live.
  2. I enjoy the heck out of my Raki bard, and he has great Dex.
  3. halfling or qalathari are what i view as the best. halfling gets the super dex and qalathari get the racial invul.
  4. I usually go for the Thestran for the 3 different racials, one at a time, that you can change what benefit you want to have. Get 2% damage, 2% mitigation, or 3% caster-juice (mana/energy) cost reduction. Can change for the encounter at hand.

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