Which tanks fits my gamestyle?

Discussion in 'Protective Fighters' started by ARCHIVED-Fridgeman, Oct 23, 2012.

  1. I like being able to tank but i dont like being forced to do it 100% of the time. In other words i like off tank clases, i like being desirable as dps -or as a secondary healer- and as a tank. For example is a group is looking for more but they already have a tank i like to be worth picking as a dps or secondary healer. I also enjoy having utility and being able to heal myself, resurrect, feing dead, and be a good soloer.

    100% tank oriented classes like guardian in EQ2 are too slow and boring for me. What class should i pick in vanguard?
  2. Well, you keep saying you want to be able to heal, off-tank, rez and all this. It sounds pretty obvious that the Paladin would be the tank to choose.
    But then again, all of the tanks are designed as tanks and play as such even if they can do extra things too.
    The Paladin and the Dreadknight are the two more easily taken away from a group to play on their own now and then but they all shine in a group environment.
  3. like koralith said the vg tanks are more tanks than anything else. you will be a lousy secondary healer as a paladin, the group would be better off with you running offensive aura and dps/off tanking. as for fding, you are stuck there none of the tanks can do that. both the paladin and dk are fair soloers, personally i find the dk the easier of the two in solo play.
    that being said, when you are grouping while leveling up all three tanks can perform perfectly fine in the off tank/dps role for the group. heck last night i even saw a group with 4 tanks in it. if people are rejecting someone just because they only want the 1 tank, 1 healer rest dps group, they really are making things dificult for themselves and others during the leveling process.

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