Diplomacy Buffs Telon Server

Discussion in 'Telon' started by ARCHIVED-Dragon, Sep 4, 2012.

  1. Hello all,
    Lets reach a common understanding on what diplo buffs we should keep up to acheive the best result for our raiders, adventurers, crafters and diploers!
    Forum moderators can I get this stickied please

    AFRIT (Seawatch Coast)
    Supernatural Laws (Spell damage) Academic/Interview
    Shield of Law (Rune) Academic/Convince
    Slave's Constitution (HP) Outsider/Incite
    Azuril Raj Afrit (Melee Damage) Noble/Incite

    Harmony of Ideas (Spell damage) Academic/Convince
    The will of the people (Melee damage) Domestic/Convince
    Increase the watch (Accuracy) Soldier/Convince
    Right of way (Crit) Noble/Convince

    Tomb raider's strength (Melee Damage) Soldier/Convince
    Spirit Aflame (Attributes) Academic/Entertain
    Dirty Tricks (Crit) Soldier/Gossip
    Mass Community Effort (Harvesting) crafter/#parley#

    LETH NURAE (Celestine Ward)
    Spiritual Revival (Heal) Clergy/Incite
    Social Upheaval (Energy Regen) Academic/Incite
    Civic Improvement (Rune) Crafter/Incite
    Benevolent Mood (Defenses) Noble/Entertain

    Cheer the People (Resists) Domestic/Entertain
    Call to Arms (Attributes) Soldier/Incite

    TURSH (Fisher's Pen)
    Support the People (HP) Domestic/Incite
    Raise Morale (Acc) Soldier/Entertain

    Stand up philosophy (Energy) Academic/Entertain
    Power of faith (HP regen) Clergy/Entertain
    Whistle while you work (Ranged damage) Crafter/Entertain
    Raise morale (#buff#) Soldier/Entertain

    BORDINAR'S CLEFT (Southwatch)
    Simple pleasures (Outfiter) Domestic/Interview
    Prepare for battle (Blacksmith) Soldier/Interview
    Tricks of the trade (Artificer) Crafter/Interview
    Secrets of Telon (Refining) Noble/Interview
    Sage Words (Crafting) Academic/Interview
    Consult the Wise (Finishing) Clergy/Interview
    With all the problems raiders face with the myrial of game bugs, raiding bugs, server and chunk instability and the like, one of the more frustrating challenges faced is the confusion surrounding diplomacy buffs. Players diplo for many different reasons apart from putting up civic buffs for raiding. Most notably to level up diplomacy, gain temporary crafting buffs or temporary diplomacy presence and diplo cards. This thread is an attempt to clarify what buffs will give the best gaming utility to the best spread of players and to focus the Telon server communty effort into a consistant approach to diplomacy.

    I often see crafting buffs up all over Telon in a myriad of different civic centres. There is nothing wrong with this per se, however often these buffs will conflict with much needed adventuring and raiding buffs. If crafters could go to one place to gain all the buffs would this not be more advantageous? Bordinar's Cleft is a great place for this. Not only does it allow all primary crafting buffs but it also allows all three secondary crafting buffs, all with very little risk of conflicting with adventurers and raiders. On top of this buffs reach out to Southwatch, a short ride or flight from the NT rift.

    Players leveling up thier diplomacy often find the quickest way to do so is to find an NPC that is the highest parleyable level and just cycle through the different parley's on that one NPC. Unfortunatly, this means they are pushing the diplo levers up and down with the effect that it can become very difficult to maintain civic buffs at that location. However players leveling thier diplo are in luck! there are are multitude of civic diplomacy centres all around Telon that they can go to and not disturb any attempt to put up or maintain civic buffs. Martok, Cael Brail, Tawar Galain, Halgarad, Hathor Zhi and Aghram just to name a few.

    All the desired civic buffs in Khal are convince parleys. If you are new to a guild/raid force and want to help, go to Khal and push convince parley's... on any NPC you like! This is an easy way to do help out without working against anyone.
    Similarly all the desired buffs in Tanvu are entertain parleys.
    Afrit is a great place to level up your diplo from 35 to 40 that and help maintain much desired diplo buffs. At the very least you can go to the academics and push Shield of Law and Supernatural Laws. They are all standing together for your convenience!

    Some diplo buffs diplay as lasting 59 minutes, some 1.11 hours and some 2.59 hours. Why not make it a conssitant timer across the board? At the very least, change the 59 minute ones to 1.11.
    Some diplo buffs fall off your character if he/she logs off or crashes. Why? Lets make them stick. Often its not the player's fault he/she has crashed. Having to go and get civics again is just an annoying time waster.
    Allow Bordinar's Cleft buffs to reach the outpost of Three Rivers. This allows crafters to grab crafting civics without too much fuss and then move to whatever crafting outpost they desire.

    Annai - Between Tawar Galan and Cail'brael you can get all the crafter diplo buffs, making Tawar Galan an OK place to get them all.
    Kiri - Hathor Zhi and Tawar Galan would be ideal for craft buffs if the devs will add Domestic and Crafter parleys respectively.
  3. Thank you for this post. I'm really interested in, and enjoying, Diplomacy- but I don't want to be messing anyone up who is working on more than just skilling up.
    With the information in this post, I can make sure I don't flip things the wrong way, and I can see where to go for buffs. Much appreciated!
  4. Excellent idea, some additional thoughts following:
    Emberfire@Telon wrote:
    Having one outpost the "go to" place to get the crafting buffs is AWESOME, but Crafters have three artisan factions that they're going to be grinding out. Southwatch will be great for those trying to get there Thestran Artisan faction up; but what about Qalian and Kojani?
  5. For Qalia, the crafting outposts are available are:
    Refugee Camp – connected to Khal, not a good place to put up crafting buffs, if we’re putting up Adventuring buffs.
    Tar Janashir – I’m not sure which crafting levers are available, and for some reason, I think that this outpost is attached to Mekalia?
    Desert Sun Trading Post – attached to Hathor Zhi, as far as I know. I can experiment at home tonight, (wife willing), or someone can confirm.
    Western Winds Trading Post – I think this outpost is attached to Lomshir.
    Afrit – Obviously, if we’re pushing the adventuring puffs, probably not a good place to push the crafting buffs for the crafters wanting Qalian Artisan faction.
    Based on the above, I’d say that Desert Sun (Hathor Zhi) or Western Winds (Lomshir) would be the best to push up the crafting levers and keep them up. As I said, if I have the time tonight, I’ll experiment and find out.
  6. As for Kojani Artisan Rep, it sucks. There are only 3 outposts, and my knowledge may be out dated, and I have no idea which outposts are connected to which city diplomacy levers. I won’t have time to mess around with the Kojani rep tonight, but I’ll put it on my to-do list.
    My notes say that these are the Kojani outposts-
    Tawar Galan
    Varryn's Watch – though, if we keep the crafting buffs up at Desert Sun and Varryn’s Watch, we could make crafters very happy. The two outposts are in the same chunk, running back and forth takes no time, really shortens the amount of travel needed to keep the taskmasters fresh with work orders, the crafting buffs would be an extra bonus.
    West Phoenix Tower, The Deebs
  7. Between Tawar Galan and Cail'brael you can get all the crafter diplo buffs, making Tawar Galan an OK place to get them all.
  8. Emberfire@Telon wrote:
    What sort of a noob crafter are you anyway?
  9. Desert Sun is attached to the Hathor Zhi diplomatic levers, but doesn't offer all of the desired crafting buffs. I think that only Khal has all the buffs available, so the idea of having one outpost per continent with all crafting buffs maintained does not seem plausible.
  10. I think the adventurers could push "Increase the Watch" in Leth Nurae instead of Khal. That will open up two civic diplos for crafters in Khal - "Prepare for Battle" (blacksmith) and "Tricks of the Trade" (artifcer) -- since we don't need extended diplos for IWG anymore.
    But domestic (outfitter) you will have to go to Bordinar's Cleft or Tawar Galan. If they only added a rift to Tawar Galan, then adventurers could push "Support of the People" and "Will of the People" in Tawar Galan and Khal could be a location for all crafter buffs.
  11. Thanks for the feedback guys.
    Annai - added in the tip regarding CB and TG.
    Ghostchild - Thanks, have added the descriptions of the missing BC buffs in.
    Dravid - Your thoughts on Khal sound quite reasonable, my only concern is that this makes Khal such a highly sought after location for players to be in. Its already where the devs hang out, where everyone goes for banking and exchange and for much desired adventuring buffs. It also means diploers have to change their MO in relation to Leth Nurae, another chunk popular with diploers seeking to grind levels. Add to the mix crafting buffs and you have everyone there all the time. Plus it takes away the beginner diplo golden rule... "I can push anything I like in Khal as long as it is a convince parley" Khal is already a highly unstable crash zone. Quite frankly I am all in favor of releiving the pressure on this chunk in any way possible.
    Jharl - "Having one outpost the "go to" place to get the crafting buffs is AWESOME, but Crafters have three artisan factions that they're going to be grinding out. Southwatch will be great for those trying to get there Thestran Artisan faction up; but what about Qalian and Kojani?"
    Good point. I would love to see a rift at Southwatch, or the buffs extend out to say... Three Rivers where there is already an underused rift. That way, crafters could rift in, grab diplo buffs and rift away to wherever they need to go to do their crafting. This would also save diplo/crafters having to put up three sets of crafting buffs on three continents!
  12. Hathor Zhi and Tawar Galan would be ideal for craft buffs if the devs will add Domestic and Crafter parleys respectively.
  13. i know when i go out on a harvesting run i usually push up the harvesting buff in tj and the one in tanvu (others like to use khal).
    i forget if this pushes down anything significant in those areas, but as a general rule i never really bothered to max the harvest buffs, just get them up long enough for me and friends who might be assisting to get on their alts incase a ur is found.
  14. It's good to see someone putting some effort into a community solution. I'll keep this thread at the ready for those times I'm out diploing. :)
  15. thanks for the additional replys
    Adding the harvesting buff to TJ Nejibana
    Adding the suggestion for additional parleys Kiri
    Thanks for the positive feedback Claviarm

    Also based on some guild feedback from Psyduck, added Raise morale to Tanvu.
    Nooby diploers can go to Tanvu and push any "Entertain" parley and help out the adventurers!

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