Looking for a new game to replace Vanguard

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by Podgie, Mar 27, 2013.

  1. Podgie Member

    I don't really care about ping numbers (I don't understand what they mean anyway) only about performance. When I started playing Vanguard a couple of months back I tried Telon and found it laggy and with jerky performance. I moved to Halgar and it was problem free. Now Halgar is being closed and I tried going back to Telon and it is unplayable with huge lagspikes and freezes even when I am able to log in to a character. Most times it just crashes to desktop before it even finishes loading. THAT is what stops me moving to Telon and playing there. If this magic code of Hobart's works, I will be over the moon and happily play on Telon. But Vanguard has to be actually playable on that server for me, a series of stop motion pictures with long pauses between them is hardly what I would call playable, and that is the performance Telon supplies for me at the moment.

    I really wish they were closingTelon and keeping Halgar, because then I wouldn't have any problems at all. Not going to happen I know and as is normal in these cases the minority's suffering and loss is something they have to put up with to keep the majority happy. It just so happens that this time I am in that minority.
  2. Azraell Active Member

    I guess we can assume that everybody from Halgar is hoping that Hobarts network fix would help ... I wish to who ever from Halgar that has already decided to leave be safe and hope to see you in the future...
  3. Podgie Member

    Well if the fix doesn't work, Vanguard gets to lose some more players. I have done more testing and I am able to get onto Telon with a bit better performance before lunchtime (GMT) but it all goes to hell as soon as the American crowd starts logging in. That's when the performance degrades and lagspikes and freezes become an almost constant occurence, almost as if the server is unable to cope with the load.
  4. Leavwiz Well-Known Member

    basically, what podgie is discovering is the simple fact that vanguard turns into molasses as more people log on. the apparent "better" performance on halgar has more to do with population than server location or setup. Indeed, if the work on the technical underpinnings of Vanguard work, then we should all see improvement regardless of time zone or location. Sending positive karma to Hobart and the team.
  5. Podgie Member

    It also means that adding the Halgar players to Telon is going to make the problem worse, so Hobart had better be good at working miracles. Because I know that some people have claimed there are only 30 or so players on Halgar, but that is total BS because there have been more players than that active in my guild at one time, so unless there are no other guilds and no other players on Halgar than my guild mates, then that number is VASTLY under-estimated!
  6. The Triv New Member

    Anyone passing the time with Rift? Im kinda lonely there and looking for noob friends like me. I do have friends that have been there since 2011 but they are 2 years ahead of me. And yes they love to carry me thru content im not ready for but thats no fun for me.
  7. Amnath Active Member

    No. I tried it and really don't think I can make myself push the login button any more.

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