Various "tweaks" for VG

Discussion in 'Performance Support' started by ARCHIVED-Graye, Jan 5, 2011.

  1. Faction hit lag:

    Thanks to Kindair and Annai

    Assumes you have DroxUI:

    1) edit: VGUICharacter.xml by commenting out the following section (add the characters in bold near the beginning and at the end, e.g. <!-- & -->:

    <!--Component: Other Faction Entry -->
    <ComponentWindow name="_Equip_Other_Faction_Entry">
    <Rect x="0" y="0" width="380" height="30"/>
    <Settings visible="false"

    <UseControl type="StatusBar">
    <StatusBar colorMode="true"
    <Rect x="10" y="0" width="255" height="28"/>
    <Settings globalOpacity="mid"
    </ComponentWindow> -->


    2) Then move VGUICharacter.xml file from:





    3) Edit the ...Sony\Vanguard\VGUIAssets\Shells\DroxUI\Windows\Index.xml file:

    Remove the pointer to the VGUICharacter.xml file from top section to lower section:

    <GameplayWindows directory="..\Default\Windows">
    remove >
    <Window filename="VGUICharacter.xml"/>

    <GameplayWindows directory="Windows">
    add> <Window filename="VGUICharacter.xml"/>
  2. More UI update lag issues:
    My DroxUI Index.ini

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <XML id="SGOUIMarkupLanguage" version="0.1"
    xsi:schemaLocation=" ../../vanguard-ui.xsd">

    <!-- Backgrounds needs to be loaded first. -->
    <SystemWindows directory="Windows">
    <Window filename="Drox_Backgrounds.xml"/>

    <!-- These windows are required for the client to startup. They are loaded at initial run-time.
    Removing windows or window components from these files is likely to cause crashes. -->
    <SystemWindows directory="..\Default\Windows">
    <Window filename="VGUICharacterCreationWnd.xml"/>
    <Window filename="VGUIChatWnd.xml"/>
    <!--Window filename="VGUICompass.xml"/-->
    <Window filename="VGUIExaminePopups.xml"/>
    <Window filename="VGUIHotkeyMacro.xml"/>
    <!--Window filename="VGUIHotkeys.xml"/-->
    <Window filename="VGUILoginWnd.xml"/>
    <!--Window filename="VGUIMainBar.xml"/-->
    <Window filename="VGUISettingsWnd.xml"/>

    <!-- These gameplay windows are loaded when you enter the game.
    Gameplay windows are significantly safer to edit than system windows. -->

    <GameplayWindows directory="..\Default\Windows">
    <!--Window filename="VGUIFishingAchievements.xml"/ -->
    <!-- Window filename="RiftMaps.xml"/ -->
    <!-- Window filename="VGUIAbilities.xml"/ -->
    <Window filename="VGUIAcceptDecline.xml"/>
    <Window filename="VGUIAssembly.xml"/>
    <!--Window filename="VGUIAssemblyTimer.xml"/-->
    <Window filename="VGUIAssemblyTrainer.xml"/>
    <!-- Window filename="VGUIAttachedAbilities.xml"/ -->
    <Window filename="VGUIAttackResultsDisplay.xml"/>
    <Window filename="VGUIAuctionWnd.xml"/>
    <!--Window filename="VGUIBank.xml"/ -->
    <Window filename="VGUIBugReport.xml"/>
    <Window filename="VGUIBuildingConstruction.xml"/>
    <Window filename="VGUIBuildingInformationWnd.xml"/>
    <!--Window filename="VGUIBuildingInventory.xml"/-->
    <Window filename="VGUIBuildingNPCs.xml"/>
    <!-- Window filename="VGUICastBar.xml"/ -->
    <Window filename="VGUICharacter.xml"/>
    <Window filename="VGUIClaimWnd.xml"/>
    <Window filename="VGUICombatInv.xml"/>
    <Window filename="VGUIConversion.xml"/>
    <Window filename="VGUICorpseList.xml"/>
    <Window filename="VGUICountdown.xml"/>
    <Window filename="VGUICrafting.xml"/>
    <Window filename="VGUICraftingActions.xml"/>
    <Window filename="VGUICraftingCatalyst.xml"/>
    <Window filename="VGUICraftingComplications.xml"/>
    <Window filename="VGUICraftingInventory.xml"/>
    <Window filename="VGUICraftingRemedies.xml"/>
    <Window filename="VGUICraftingToolbelts.xml"/>
    <Window filename="VGUICraftingWorkbench.xml"/>
    <Window filename="VGUICraftingWorkbenchFilling.xml"/>
    <Window filename="VGUICurrentWorkOrders.xml"/>
    <Window filename="VGUIDeathReleasePopup.xml"/>
    <Window filename="VGUIDialogs.xml"/>
    <Window filename="VGUIAttachment.xml"/>
    <!-- Window filename="VGUIEncounterDisplay.xml"/ -->
    <Window filename="VGUIEventDisplay.xml"/>
    <Window filename="VGUIEventDisplayEntry.xml"/>
    <!-- Window filename="VGUIGroup.xml"/ -->
    <Window filename="VGUIGroupLootOptions.xml"/>
    <Window filename="VGUIGuildManagement.xml"/>
    <Window filename="VGUIHarvestingDisplay.xml"/>
    <Window filename="VGUIInspect.xml"/>
    <!-- Window filename="VGUIInventory.xml"/ -->
    <!-- Window filename="VGUIInventoryContainerTemplate.xml"/ -->
    <!-- Window filename="VGUIInventoryPopups.xml"/ -->
    <Window filename="VGUILoot.xml"/>
    <Window filename="VGUIMailWnd.xml"/>
    <!-- Window filename="VGUIMaintainedAbilities.xml"/ -->
    <!-- Window filename="VGUIMap.xml"/ -->
    <!-- Window filename="VGUIMarketWnd.xml"/ -->
    <Window filename="VGUIMemTimeRemaining.xml"/>
    <Window filename="VGUIMerchant.xml"/>
    <Window filename="VGUIMinions.xml"/>
    <!-- Window filename="VGUIMiniMap.xml"/ -->
    <Window filename="VGUINPCOptionsMenu.xml"/>
    <!--Window filename="VGUIObjectInteraction.xml"/-->
    <Window filename="VGUIParley.xml"/>
    <!-- Window filename="VGUIPet.xml"/ -->
    <Window filename="VGUIPetitionWnd.xml"/>
    <!-- Window filename="VGUIPlayerStatus.xml"/ -->
    <Window filename="VGUIQuestStatus.xml"/>
    <Window filename="VGUIRandomLootInvitation.xml"/>
    <!-- Window filename="VGUIReactions.xml"/ -->
    <Window filename="VGUIRecipeTrainer.xml"/>
    <Window filename="VGUIRefiningActions.xml"/>
    <Window filename="VGUIRefiningAlerts.xml"/>
    <!-- Window filename="VGUIRefiningStart.xml"/ -->
    <Window filename="VGUIRefiningStatus.xml"/>
    <Window filename="VGUISailing.xml"/>
    <!-- Window filename="VGUISocialWnd.xml"/ -->
    <Window filename="VGUISong.xml"/>
    <!-- Window filename="VGUITaskMasterWorkOrders.xml"/ -->
    <Window filename="VGUITrade.xml"/>
    <Window filename="VGUITrainer.xml"/>
    <Window filename="VGUITutorial.xml"/>
    <Window filename="DiplomacyComponents\VGUIParleyCard.xml"/>
    <Window filename="VGUIParleyStrategy.xml"/>
    <Window filename="VGUITestData.xml"/>
    <!-- Window filename="VGUIRaidManagement.xml"/ -->
    <!--Window filename="VGUITargetBuffs.xml"/-->
    <!--Window filename="VGUITargetBuffsNoText.xml"/-->
    <!--Window filename="VGUITargetDebuffs.xml"/-->
    <!--Window filename="VGUITargetDebuffsNoText.xml"/-->
    <!--Window filename="VGUITargetDebuffsMine.xml"/-->
    <!--Window filename="VGUITargetWeaknesses.xml"/-->
    <!--Window filename="VGUITargetWeaknessesNoText.xml"/-->
    <!--Window filename="VGUIIconTargetSpellsAndWeaknesses.xml"/-->
    <Window filename="VGUITrialWnd.xml"/>
    <Window filename="VGUIAlternateAdvancementWnd.xml"/>


    <!-- Changed Files -->
    <SystemWindows directory="Windows">
    <Window filename="Drox_GameMenu.xml"/>

    <Window filename="Drox_HotbarContainers.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_HotbarForms.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_HotbarG15.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_Hotbars3x4.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_HotbarsWindowButtons.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_HotbarMain.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_HotbarsHorizontal.xml"/>


    <!-- Support for independent map projects -->
    <GameplayWindows directory="Map">
    <Window filename="VGUIMap.xml"/>
    <Window filename="VGUIMiniMap.xml"/>
    <Window filename="RiftMaps.xml"/>

    <GameplayWindows directory="GearSwitcher">
    <Window filename="GearSwitcher.xml" />

    <GameplayWindows directory="Windows">
    <Window filename="Drox_Abilities.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_AssemblyTimer.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_BreathMeter.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_BufferHotbar.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_CastBar.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_Clock.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_ClothingChanger.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_CompassClock.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_ControlPanel.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_DefensiveTarget.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_EncounterHUDVertical.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_ExperienceBar.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_GroupInvite.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_GroupHUDVertical.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_GroupHUDVerticalInflight.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_GroupLeaderAndLootInfo.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_InformationBar.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_ObjectInteraction.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_OffensiveTarget.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_Pet.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_PetStatus.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_PlayerStatus.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_Quests.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_ReactionAbilitiesVertical.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_TextBuffs.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_TextDebuffs.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_TextMaintainedAbilities.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_TextTargetBuffs.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_TextTargetDebuffs.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_TextTargetDebuffsMine.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_TextTargetWeaknesses.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_UILoader.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Cylus_AttributeData.xml"/>
    <Window filename="ExpandedTaskMasterWorkOrders.xml"/>
    <Window filename="ExpandedRefiningStart.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_RaidManagement.xml"/>
    <Window filename="VGUISocialWnd.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_MarketWnd.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_SmallInventory.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_SmallInventoryContainerTemplate.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_SmallInventoryPopups.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_SmallBuildingInventory.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_SmallBank.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_FishingAchievements.xml" />
    <Window filename="Drox_Mark.xml"/>


    <Window filename="Drox_Compass.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_LagMeter.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_DefensiveTargetHUD.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_IconBuffsAndDebuffs.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_IconMaintainedAbilities.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_PetStatusHUD.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_ReactionAbilitiesHorizontal.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_TextBuffsScroll.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_TextDebuffsScroll.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_TextMaintainedAbilitiesScroll.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_TextTargetBuffsScroll.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_TextTargetDebuffsScroll.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_TextTargetDebuffsMineScroll.xml"/>


    Move window references that you don't use in your layout between these begin/end statements
    so that they don't load. This will improve the performance of your game.

    <Window filename="Drox_LargeInventory.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_LargeInventoryContainerTemplate.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_LargeInventoryPopups.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_LargeBuildingInventory.xml"/>
    <Window filename="Drox_LargeBank.xml"/>



  3. Basically, what this is doing is removing all elements of the UI that are not actively displayed at any time (I believe that customUI handles this for you, Drox and Core do not).
    For instance, DroxUI has the default encounter HUD (the long list of mobs that have aggro on you). It also has a vertical UP HUG, Vertical DOWN HUD, and Horizontal HUD. Every time an NPC on this list takes damage, ALL of those HUD's update, even if only one is displayed. This = LAG.
    Along with this, every time you use an ability that cause GCS, every availible "gem" will do a refresh. You will want to remove Any and all hotbar types which you do not use (healer buff bar, 12x12, G-15, etc..) Be careful and note that any changes to this file apply to ALL characters using this UI.

    More mods (Non-UI)
    There are a couple of simple modifications that can really improve the performance of Vanguard. The first is a modification to the file sysconfig.ini. This file controls the modified Unreal game engine that vanguard uses. There is a section in that file that reads:

    When Vanguard patches it will always restore the sysconfig.ini file and set the environment for the game engine to run in a 32 Meg sized environment. The game will run much better in a larger environment, 256 megs rocks.

    Here's how we do it:

    Locate the file sysconfig.ini in the games bin folder c:\Program File\Sony\Vanguard\bin\sysconfig.ini
    When you've found the file, copy it to your Documents folder (My Documents in most cases).

    Now that we have a copy of the sysconfig.ini file in your documents folder, lets edit that file and change the one line CacheSizeMegs=32 to read CacheSizeMegs=256. Save the file.

    Next, make new text file on your desktop. Name it Sysconfig.txt or something you'll remember.
    Add the following lines to this new file:

    @echo off
    copy /Y "C:\Users\John\My Documents\sysconfig.ini" "C:\Program Files\Sony\Vanguard\bin\"

    When you have verified that both file paths are correct for your setup go ahead and save the file sysconfig.txt or whenever you decided to use. Next, rename that file so it has a .bat extension at the end of it. It should read sysconfig.bat when you're completed

    To implement the modification when running the game, load Vanguard and let it patch. Just before you hit the PLAY button launch the batch file to overwrite sysconfig.ini, now hit play.

    The game will launch with the game engine able to use the 256 MB environment and you should be able to increase settings accordingly. This is probably the single largest mod affecting game performance. Enjoy!
    With the release of my previous write-up(sysconfig.ini), many have found some positive advantages to their game performance. This means it's time for the 2nd improvement possibility. Running your Cache folder on a Ram Drive!

    Before I get into the procedure for setting up this solution lets discuss this Cache folder and what it's all about. This is the folder located in the game's bin folder called 'Caches'. We're all probably familiar with this folder if you've ever had game issues and were asked to clear your game cache. It's also the same folder that is flushed using the /flush command. The cache folder contains all the graphics texture detail that Vanguard is heavily dependent upon. What we'll be doing with this mod is to have that single subfolder linked to a very fast performing part of storage(RamDisk) that will further your games performance. There is constant read and write activity to this folder so our task is to make that access faster. Faster is better!

    We will be using some of your systems ram for this mod. Why ram? It's the third fastest memory your PC has followed by the CPU's L1 cache and video ram. Still, accessing ram is 100 times more efficient than accessing a hard disk.


    - your PC should have a minimum 2GB of ram
    - if you're running your game install on a SSD(solid state drive), you'll receive little to no performance increase with this mod.

    - Download a ramdrive application. DataRam has a great one. It's Free, It's compatible with Win2000 right through to Windows 7 both 32bit and 64 bit versions. You can obtain this ramdisk software here:
    Download and install it.

    - Once you have installed your ramdisk software. Configure a 128MB ramdisk, FAT32 partition, Windows Boot Sector. Windows should popup a message when the ramdisk is created asking you to provide a drive letter for this new disk volume. The default drive letter Windows provides will work just fine. A system reboot should be done at this time.

    So now you have this little 128mb drive E or F or whatever. This is your ram disk.(aka: Speedy)

    - go to you caches folder(c:\Program Files\Sony\Vanguard\bin\caches\) and completely empty is contents. Delete it all! Launch the game and patch but do not load any characters. Exit the game launcher. Now go back to your cache folder and move that entire folder to you desktop. Now the Caches folder is on your desktop and contains just the initial files and folders that we need to initialize the game.

    - Copy the contents of the Caches folder on your desktop to the new ramdrive(drive E or F or whatever). Open the ramdisk configuration utility. Go to the load/save tab of the utility and save this new disk image by clicking "Save Disk Image Now". Stop and restart the ramdisk. Now every time you restart your PC you'll have a fresh start of cache for the game.

    - the last step is to link the new ramdrive to the game directory. Copy the following line:
    mklink /J "C:\Program Files\Sony\Vanguard\bin\Caches\" E:

    Copy this line to a dos window or command prompt and hit Enter. This is a one-time thing.

    I used drive E: but please set this value to match the drive letter of your new ramdisk.

    You're done! Enjoy some more game performance improvement!
    would still suggest under [ALAudio.ALAudioSubsystem] change:
    Channels=32 ---> Channels=8
    ** if you use sound, if you dont not sure if it has any effect ** (this change gives more preference to the CPU running the game and less to the sound)

    Also Change:

    MinDesiredFrameRate=35.000000 ---> 45.000000
    MaxDesiredFrameRate=100.000000 ---> 120.000000

    (this change helps make sure you are pushing your CPU and GPU a bit harder and normally give better FPS, but not always seems to depend on hardware. AFAIK there is not a negative effect from doing this)

    Hope that helps.
  4. Wow, thank you for going to the effort of posting this Graye, can't wait to try this after raid tonight!
  5. Nevermind, was first thing in the morning at work and wasnt thinking straight yet... thanks Graye for posting this up and all the effort!
  6. Hmm I am actually having trouble trying to edit the VGUICharacter.xml for some reason it won't let me...I also get the yellow bar across the top saying it can be harmful to my computer blah blah but even allowing it I am not able to edit anything, just click to expand/close sections with a + and -
    I am using Win 7 64, any tips on how I can get around this?
  7. Kilsin@Telon wrote:
    Open it in notepad, don't double click the xml files.
  8. Graye@Xeth wrote:
    Thanks Graye, I will try it now, it looks a bit different with DroxyCore but I have found the sections your talking about to edit out :)
  9. Graye@Xeth wrote:
    Hmm DroxyCore does not have a Windows folder to move it to, I have searched through all of them and nothing even similar is there that I can see.
    In the DroxyCore folder I have:
    dcmods (File Folder)
    Map (File Folder)
    Minicards (File Folder)
    textures (File Folder)
    UICustomizer (File Folder)
    xml (File Folder)
    index (XML Doc)
    readme (Text Doc)
    Skininfo (XML Doc)
  10. Graye@Xeth wrote:
    This won't work if your using the new launcher. Upon hitting the Play button it re-writes the sysconfig.ini and sets the enviroment.
  11. Kilsin@Telon wrote:
    The xml folder is = to the Windows folder.
  12. The mklink command doesn't work in XP. I downloaded the linkd.exe from the Microsoft Resource Tools, but still cannot link the Cache folder to my E: drive. Any advice?
  13. Biki@Halgar wrote:
  14. This is great info! For the first time I actually have around 30 FPS in big cities! Thanks for putting this together! One quick question: I made the changes to the Drox UI that you suggested, and for some reason I'm not seeing my quest list, nor am I able to view dialog when right clicking on NPCs. Is this a common error you've seen?
  15. You probably turned off something you shouldn't have ;)
  16. I don't know what it ids but after tweaking, it didn't feel like I was getting the desired FPS, so I went back to Default.
    The strange thing is with Default I was getting 5-8 less FPS than with I went back to DroxyCore.
    I even made a few tweaks to the Default UI (Sound from 32 > 8 and so on...) it was strange.
    I did notice one thing, not sure if this was the Default UI or not since I have been using another copy of the .ini for quite some time but I have not noticed this before:

    I know AA's were put in game quite a while ago and most of the work has been done for them, I know you could show the AA window in game at one point but I have never noticed this it new or am I going crazy?
  17. i hate to sound like such a noob, but how do you launch the sysconfig.bat file from the desktop
  18. Great tweak Graye, it has improved my system, I was able to up some settings in game. Very noticable at the extreme widescreen resolution I play with.
  19. Diabolik wrote:
    Just double click, .bat files are executed when double clicked.

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