March 2012 Producer Letter Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Developer Roundtable' started by ARCHIVED-Zatozia, Mar 21, 2012.

  1. pulsatex wrote:
    This question was answered in other threads but basically, if you have an account prior to free to play, your former chars are "grandfathered" in meaning you can playthem regardless of race/class. And you will have up to 12 char slots. But all other restrictions will apply if you go from subbed to free.
  2. Just my 2 cents -- while I think limiting F2P to green items can be made to work, it will require that you pretty much re-itemize the entire game. Do green items even exist after T1 or T2 (outside crafted)? It would be very hard to be a useful member of a group at higher levels with all green gear.
    It would seem to me to way simpler to just set the limit at blue. And given the way players' eyes bug out when an orange or red item is linked, I think you'd still have a pretty good incentive to get people to upgrade to gold.
    We really want the F2P players to be full members of the community, not to be blackballed at high levels because their gear sucks. We want them to have fun, not get frustrated because they can't solo and can't get a group.
  3. Zatozia wrote:
    My concern is that this game will end up like EQI F2P model and we have loads of ****y items and it only works on one server and the older servers stay dead. Please allow F2P on the two servers we have but don't be ruining them with crap items which all look and do the same.
    The other thing this game needs is an over haul of the graphics as it's looking very dated now and for this to run another five years this is going to have to happen to keep me playing it for sure. You are trying to compete against the likes of GW2 and other title which are F2P already so you have to step it up or you will be wasting your time IMHO.

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