Epic Codas

Discussion in 'Light Fighters' started by Fogerty, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. Fogerty Active Member

    Concerning the "fix the epics before you make them easier to get" train: All everyone wants is Bard epic coda descriptions to make SOME kind of sense. Am I right people? I've been epic for quite some time, and I've learned with trial and error what they do, but reading the descriptions is laughable. It needs updated BADLY.
  2. Apaelias Well-Known Member

    Be careful what you ask for...
  3. Fogerty Active Member

    No doubt. Just change the descriptions. I don't have a problem with function. there is even erroneous mention of drum mods in there still. Not that they ever worked, but come on.
  4. Apaelias Well-Known Member

    Was refering to the fact that the epic coda's were probably supposed to be a combination of the pre-Epic coda's with different instrument modifiers and the fact that Global refresh is capped with one of them is probably a bug, so the solution will be to nerf the refresh completely. Or at least thats how I see it happening. :(
  5. Fogerty Active Member

    Be that as it may; I stand by my statement that it looks dumb to have notes on codas that are complete lies. RAWR
  6. Kamor Active Member

    I wouldn't worry too much, sooner or later the Dev team's arms are going to get tired from swinging Abashi's nerf bat around.
  7. Nejibana Active Member

    part of the problems with the main hand bard epic is that it is a copy/paste of the bard craigwind weapon and the coda's weren't properly tested, coded or balanced. it all goes back to why we didn't get any new song components post 50, when changes get made to bard songs things get bustificated, stop stacking with regular buffs or enter the realm of godly op. while i personally wouldn't mind the developers fixing the description of the epic codas and even fixing them so they are balanced and all three working correctly, i suspect that most raiding players in the game would be afraid to lose epic bard haste because lets face it, once you've had epic bard haste everything else feels slow.

    though before they fix the epic descriptions i really wish that they would add a note to requiem of war stating that it does not stack with anthem of war. i get so tired of trying to explain that to bards even level 55 bards.
  8. Fogerty Active Member

    Ya, all I'm asking for is an accurate description. Post what you're modifying with it and what instrument to amp it. It's not rocket science. When people get epic, it's a 15 minute explanation that shouldn't have to take place. I shouldn't have to say "disregard the tool tips because they're all wrong". Sad.
  9. Nejibana Active Member

    for a while i had a macro:
    /reply just use pixie pitch, it is a wind mod so get ebonwood recorder from lord fal. the rest are busted or worthless.
    it served me well till my ui got wiped.
  10. Fogerty Active Member

    Classic. Sad but true.
  11. Isoel Active Member

    Concerning our codas, I would love to just be able to keep my freaking coda in my song!! Idk about any other epic bard, save those who were lucky enough to purchase an "appearance" epic when they were available...but forgetting to re-equip my main hand before logging and then having to re-paste my coda is entirely stupid. I have the epic....the coda should stay put. That or give bards the option for the appearance epic again.
  12. Apaelias Well-Known Member

    I agree that I wish the coda just stayed with you, but I don't think i've had the problem you are describing. Occasionally the coda will just bug out and stop working. I don't have to make sure i have my epic equipped when I log or anything though. Just make sure I don't edit my song without my sword and make sure my macro wears my sword before turning song on and everything seems to stay fine.
  13. Isoel Active Member

    I'm constantly re-applying my coda to my songs, and just to satisfy the smart*sses, yes, I'm hitting save when I put it in there :p lol It just bugs the daylights outta me
  14. Nejibana Active Member

    i also have the issue of needing to go back through all my songs and add the epic coda everytime i log out with something else in my mainhand. makes it a real pita if i crash while holding the 2h lute for run song or meat.
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