Civic Parley Failure Faction Hits

Discussion in 'Diplomacy Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Himminy, Oct 25, 2012.

  1. Are these still accidentally tripled?
    You can gain only 1 or 2 prestige faction per parley. I've taken upwards of a -30 prestige hit. That's 15 parleys at least to get that back.
    That's not including normal city faction hits. I just took a -58 faction hit to 2/3 factions in the city im working. That's easily an hours worth of grinding taken away from one minute long parley. Kinda harsh?
    This isn't just the one city I've been in either. This is my 4th prestige center, and trust me I've lost hours worth to the negative hits from one mess up every now and then. I don't mind the sharp slap on the wrist for messing up. But this is almost like getting punched in the face for not saying thank you!

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