Diplomacy Clothing as appearance clothing

Discussion in 'Diplomacy Discussion' started by Enkur, May 20, 2013.

  1. Enkur Well-Known Member

    I was doing some diplo today and decided to put some diplo clothing in my appearance slots. Nothing wrong there except I noticed my weapons were still showing. So I clicked over to my diplo tab and checked the diplo gear thus turning off the adventuring gear, or so I thought. It appears that the appearance gear only works if if the adventuring gear tab is selected. Has anyone else experienced this? I played around with it a little while and could not get the desired appearance I wanted unless I removed my weapons from the adventuring tab. When I diplo, I tend to speak softly and carry a big stick. I just don't want it to be seen... :D
  2. Isoel Active Member

    far as I'm aware the appearance tab is a cover-up for adventuring armor only atm, there has been talks in other threads about appearance weapons, but it's a ways off.

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