Radiance Guild Members Moving to Rift

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by Kunfoo, May 20, 2014.

  1. Kunfoo Member

    I don't know if any old Radiance Guild Members are still checking the forums but I wanted to throw an invite out.

    Grand, Qwert, Harley, Dang Nabil, and myself have moved over to Rifts Wolfsbane server. We would love for any old Radiance members to come join us as we tear through the content. Really fun game with a robust class system.

    Reply to this thread or lane me a MSG on the old guild website.
  2. Zewtastic Member

    You need more detail.
    Links, Defiance or Guardians, name of new guild, names of new characters, etc, etc.
  3. Kunfoo Member

    Hey Zew,

    Glad you saw my post. Come join us in Rift on the Wolfsbane server. If you have a character in a different server you can transfer free every 7 days.

    We are all Defiance. Qwertoris (qwert) is level 42, Grannd is 20, Shaddowz (me) at 60 cap. RIFT has a great mentor system so we can all play together whenneeded. The other guys are playing daily and around level 20. Look us up.

    For now, we are in a well organized gamer guild called Grievance.

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