Vanguard has many, many available /commands to help you through your days in Telon. Below is (as far as I know) the complete list. Should you find any missing, please add them!

I. Abilities

FORMAT: /abilities
Lists your current spells and abilities.

FORMAT: /abilitiesattached
Shows the set of abilities that are attached to your character

FORMAT: /abilitymaster <ability keyword> <mastery slot>
Commits the spell to memory in a mastery slot.



FORMAT: /cast <ability keyword>
Activates the ability

FORMAT: /details <ability keyword>
Gives detailed information on an ability.

FORMAT: /forget <ability keyword>
Removes an ability from your memory.


FORMAT: /memorize <ability keyword>
Memorizes a spell.









FORMAT: /playsong "<name>"
/playsong is a command for bards, that will attempt to begin playing the song that matches the name specified as a parameter.

Format: /stopsong
If you are currently playing a song (as a bard), when you use this command you will stop playing the song.

II. Assembly

FORMAT: /assemble
Attemps to assemble currently selected ingredients.

FORMAT: /assemblyaddingredient <item keyword> [number]
Add an ingredient to your assembly list.

FORMAT: /assemblybegin
Initiates a text based method of assembly.

FORMAT: /assemblycancel
Cancels assembly session.

FORMAT: /assemblydisplay
Displays currently selected assembly ingredients.


FORMAT: /assemblyremoveingredient <item keyword> [number]
Remove an ingredient from your assembly list.

III. Bank

FORMAT: /bankadditem <item keyword> [stack number]
Moves item(s) from your inventory to your bank




FORMAT: /bankremoveitem <item keyword> [stack number]
Moves item(s) from your bank to your inventory

IV. Chat

FORMAT: /1 <message>
Says "message" to the chat channel mapped to /1.

FORMAT: /2 <message>
Says "message" to the chat channel mapped to /2.

FORMAT: /3 <message>
Says "message" to the chat channel mapped to /3.

FORMAT: /4 <message>
Says "message" to the chat channel mapped to /4.

FORMAT: /5 <message>
Says "message" to the chat channel mapped to /5.

FORMAT: /6 <message>
Says "message" to the chat channel mapped to /6.

FORMAT: /7 <message>
Says "message" to the chat channel mapped to /7.

FORMAT: /8 <message>
Says "message" to the chat channel mapped to /8.

FORMAT: /9 <message>
Says "message" to the chat channel mapped to /9.


FORMAT: /autojoin [view/set] [mychannel,mychannel2:mypassword,...]
Modifies the list of autojoined chat channels.
To view your current list of autojoined channels, type "/autojoin view" or just "/autojoin" without any parameters.
To change the list of autojoined channels, type "/autojoin set" followed by a list of channels separated by commas.
To clear the autojoin list, type "/autojoin set" without a second parameter.




FORMAT: /guildsay <message>
Sends a message to all people in your guild.



FORMAT: /listchannels
Displays a list of chat channels in which you reside and their corresponding numbers.


FORMAT: /msg <person> <message>
Sends a private message to the person you specified.






FORMAT: /say <message>
Sends a message to all people in your vicinity.

FORMAT: /send <person> <message>
Sends a private message to the person you specified.

FORMAT: /setchannelpassword <channel name> [number]
Changes the password of the provided chat channel.

FORMAT: /shout <message>
Sends a message to all people in the same region you are in.

FORMAT: /tell <person> <message>
Sends a private message to the person you specified.

FORMAT: /telltargetdefensive <msg>
Sends a private message to your defensive target if your defensive target is a player.

FORMAT: /telltargetoffensive <msg>
Sends a private message to your offensive target if your offensive target is a player.

FORMAT: /ttd <msg>
Sends a private message to your defensive target if your defensive target is a player.

FORMAT: /tto <msg>
Sends a private message to your offensive target if your offensive target is a player.

FORMAT: /whisper <person> <message>
Sends a private message to the person you specified.


V. Combat

FORMAT: /assist or /assist <name>
/assist will assist your defensive target
/assist <name> will assist the name of the pc you specify

FORMAT: /autoattacktoggle
Turns autoattack on or off.

VI. Combat UI





FORMAT: /combatformset <form name>
Changes your combat form

FORMAT: /combatreactionactivate <reaction number>
Attempt to activate a combat reaction.


FORMAT: /combatstyleset <Offensive|Defensive|Neutral>
Sets your combat style









VII. Crafting

FORMAT: /craftingaddsecondary
When presented with the option, add the secondary ingredient to the crafting process.


FORMAT: /craftingchangetoolbelt
For use only during crafting. Populates a window with all your toolbelts for use in changing toolbelts.

FORMAT: /craftingselectaction <number>
Execute the crafting action in the crafting actions window that corresponds with number, counting from the left in the UI.

FORMAT: /craftingselectstep <number>
Select the step in the recipe that corresponds with the number, starting from the left in the UI.

FORMAT: /recipesdisplay
Lists your recipes.

FORMAT: /refineadditem <item keyword>
Move an item from your inventory to your refining workbench.

FORMAT: /refinecancel
Cancel or end the crafting process.

FORMAT: /refineremoveitem <item keyword>
Moves an item from your refining workbench to your inventory.

FORMAT: /refinesetrecipe <recipe name>
Set the recipe you want to use in refining.

FORMAT: /refiningrecipeinfo <recipe name>
Displays detailed information on a refining recipe

VIII. Emote












FORMAT: /bow target
Performs bow social for nearby players. Target is optional and can be %to for offensive target and %td for defensive target



















FORMAT: /dance target
Performs dance social for nearby players. Target is optional and can be %to for offensive target and %td for defensive target






FORMAT: /emote text
Sends emote text to all nearby players. Text can contain %to and %td which will be replaces by the name of your offensive or defensive target.





















FORMAT: /offer [number] <inv item keyword>
Add item(s) from your inventory target to the trade.
















FORMAT: /salute target
Performs salute social for nearby players. Target is optional and can be %to for offensive target and %td for defensive target











FORMAT: /social socialname target
Performs social for nearby players. Target is optional and can be %to for offensive target and %td for defensive target

















FORMAT: /wave target
Performs wave social for nearby players. Target is optional and can be %to for offensive target and %td for defensive target




IX. Graphics

FORMAT: /flush
Clears the game's caches, causing assets to be reloaded.

FORMAT: /rend
Changes the render quality of the game. (Rend 1 through rend 5 are currently supported)

X. Guild


FORMAT: /guilddeclineinvite
Declines a guild invite.

FORMAT: /guilddelete
Deletes your guild if you are the Guild Leader.

Format: /guilddemote <Player Name>.
Demotes a specified player in the guild one rank.

Format: /guildinvite <Player Name>.
Invites a player to join your guild. You must be an officer or higher to invite players.


FORMAT: /guildmotd
Displays the Message of the Day for your guild.

Format: /guildmotdset <message to display> or <clear> to clear the guild motd.
Sets the guild message of the day.

Format: /guildpromote <Player Name>.
Promotes a specified player in the guild one rank.

FORMAT: /guildquit
Remove you from your current guild.

Format: /guildremove <Player Name>.
Removes specified player from the guild.


XI. Harvesting



XII. Inventory

FORMAT: /combatinv
Prints out a list of your combat inventory.


FORMAT: /destroy <item keyword>
Destroys an item from your current inventory target (main inventory or currently open container).


FORMAT: /equipment
Prints out a list of your equipped items.

FORMAT: /examine <item keyword>, /examine corpse, /examine <item keyword> corpse
Take a closer look at an item in your inventory, at a corpse, or at an item on a corpse.

FORMAT: /get <item keyword> <container keyword> OR /get <item keyword> corpse
Moves an item from a container to your main inventory or moves an item from a corpse to your main inventory. Coming soon: get all <item keyword> <container keyword>

FORMAT: /inventory
Prints out a list of your inventory.

FORMAT: /itemuse <item keyword>
Activates a magic item

FORMAT: /look <item keyword>, /look corpse, /look <item keyword> corpse
Take a closer look at an item in your inventory, at a corpse, or at an item on a corpse.



FORMAT: /put <item keyword> <container keyword>
Put an item from the current inventory target (either main inventory or the currently open container) into the specified container.

FORMAT: /remove <item keyword>
Stop wearing or wielding the specified item.

FORMAT: /stack all <item keyword> or /stack <item keyword> <item keyword>
If the "all" keyword is specified, tries to combine all items of the type specified by the keyword into one stack. Otherwise combines the two stacks specified.

FORMAT: /unstack <item keyword> <number to split off>
Forms a new stack of items from the original.

FORMAT: /wear <item keyword> [equipment slot]
If no equipment slot is supplied, tries to equip the specified item to its default equipment location.

XIII. Loot





XIV. Merchant







XV. Group

FORMAT: /groupacceptinvite
If a group invite is pending, accept it.

FORMAT: /groupboot <member name>
Kick someone out of the group. Only the group leader may use this command.

FORMAT: /groupcancelinvite
Cancel the last group invite sent. Only the group leader may use this command.

FORMAT: /groupdeclineinvite
If a group invite is pending, decline it.

FORMAT: /groupdisband
Disbands the group. Only the group leader may use this command.

FORMAT: /groupinvite <player name>
Invites a player to join your group. If no player name is supplied, attempts to invite your defensive target.

FORMAT: /groupleader <group member name>
Promotes a new member as leader of the group. Only the group leader may use this command. If no group member is specified, attempts to use your defensive target.


FORMAT: /groupname <name>
Assigns a new name to the group. Only the group leader may use this command.

FORMAT: /grouppromote <group member name>
Promotes a new member as leader of the group. Only the group leader may use this command. If no group member is specified, attempts to use your defensive target.

FORMAT: /invite <player name>
Invites a player to join your group. If no player name is supplied, attempts to invite your defensive target.

XVI. Miscellaneous

FORMAT: /afk [message]
Toggles your "away from keyboard" status. A default message is used if one isn't specified.

FORMAT: /ambientvolume <volume value between 0.0 (off) and 1.0 (full volume)>
Allows you to set the volume for ambient sounds (such as the nature sounds like wind, crickets, and birds) in game. "/ambientvolume 0.5" would set the ambient sound volume to 50% of full volume.





FORMAT: /callpcaccept
Accepts an incoming Call of Hero spell being cast on you.

FORMAT: /callpcdecline
Declines an incoming Call of Hero spell being cast on you.







FORMAT: /chatconnect
Attempts to reconnect you to the chat server.


FORMAT: /combattext
Toggles the display of combat-related text appearing overhead.

FORMAT: /consent <player's first name>
Add a player to the list of people who can drag your tombstone.


FORMAT: /corpsedrag
Moves target tombstone to your location.

FORMAT: /craftinghintsenable
Enable one-time hints for crafting events.

FORMAT: /cyclewieldpreference
/cyclewieldpreference will cycle through your wield preferences. Your current options may be limited by what you are currently doing. The full list of options, in order, is: melee sheathed, ranged sheathed, melee unsheathed, ranged unsheathed.


























FORMAT: /help [command name]
To get help on a specific command, type "/help" followed by the name of the command (e.g. "/help /smile" or "/help smile"). Type "/listcommands" to see a list of available commands.



FORMAT: /hintsenable
Enable one-time hints for gameplay events.

FORMAT: /hintsreset
Reset the hints popups.



FORMAT: /lfg [adv/harv/any] [message]
Changes your "Looking for Group" status.
If the type parameter is not provided, you'll be set as looking for an adventuring group.

FORMAT: /lfm [min level] [max level] [class abbreviations] [message]
Sets your group as "Looking For More" players of the provided criteria.
All parameters are optional, and can be provided in any order, except for "message" which must come last.
Example queries:
/lfm war pal 30 35 Spider Caves - Looking for Warriors and Paladins between levels 30 and 35 for Spider Caves.
/lfm 20 30 - Looking for any classes between levels 20 and 30.
/lfm 50 bmg Good healers only! - Looking for a level 50 Blood Mage.
/lfm Forming a Spider Caves group! - Looking for any players of any level for Spider Caves.
/lfm - Opens the LFM window.
/lfm off - Turns off LFM for your group.

FORMAT: /listcommands [category]
Displays a list of commands of the provided category that you can use.
Valid categories: abilities, assembly, bank, chat, combat, combatui, crafting, emote, graphics, group, guild, harvesting, inventory, loot, merchant, misc, movement, parlay, psionics, quests, recipetrainer, statistics, taskmaster, time, trade, trainer, traveljournal, ui


FORMAT: /log <window>
Actively logs a chat window. Using this command repeatedly acts as a toggle. The logfile is automatically generated with a time and date stamp in the name.

FORMAT: /login <login name> <password> [Server IP]
Logs you into the WorldServer, defaults to testserver.sgo if no IP is supplied.







FORMAT: /musicvolume <volume value between 0.0 (off) and 1.0 (full volume)>
Allows you to set the volume for music in game. "/musicvolume 0.5" would set the music volume to 50% of full volume.


FORMAT: /newchatwindow <window name>
/newchatwindow will create a new chat window with the specified name, as long as a window with that name does not already exist.

FORMAT: /nickname <nickname> <fullname>
Adds a nickname for a player's full name which can then be used for commands that require you to type a player's name, such as /tell, /assist, etc... Do not use quotes around the fullname. Example: "/nickname am Aradune Mithara" would allow you to "/tell am Hello!" which would send a tell to the player named Aradune Mithara.

FORMAT: /pet <pet command>
Gives commands to your pet. Available pet commands:
summon (summons a pet)
follow (make the pet follow you)
stay (make the pet stay where it is)









FORMAT: /select <character name> [Chunk X] [Chunk Y]
Selects a character to play, and if the optional chunk x and y are given, it moves the character to that chunk.

FORMAT: /setallchatfilters <on/off> <chat window>
/setallchatfilters will set all the chat filters to on or off for the window you specify. A chat filter that is "on" is one that is blocking messages.




FORMAT: /setwieldpreference <preference #>
/setwieldpreference allows you to set your current wield preference directly.
0 = Melee Sheathed
1 = Ranged Sheatehd
2 = Melee Unsheathed
3 = Ranged Unsheathed

FORMAT: /showfactionbyname <faction name>
Retrieves detailed information about a faction that you have modified by your actions in the world.

FORMAT: /showfactions [pagenum]
Shows the factions that you have modified based on your actions in the world. If there are more than 100 factions, this is split into "pages" and you must select which page you want to see.



FORMAT: /targetdefensive <name>
This will set your defenseive target to the name provided

FORMAT: /targetgroupmember <member num>
Tries to set a group member as your defensive target. Note: you are group member 1, group member 2 is the first member, etc





FORMAT: /targetnextcorpse
Cycle your offensive target to the next nearest corpse if possible.

FORMAT: /targetnextnode
Cycle your offensive target to the next nearest harvesting node if possible.


FORMAT: /targetnextpcdefensive
Cycle your defensive target to the next nearest PC if possible.




FORMAT: /titleset <title>
Attempts to set your current title if the supplied title is valid.

FORMAT: /togglechatfilter <filter> <chat window>
/togglechatfilter will toggle the chat filter you specify in the window you specify.
List of chat filters and ids:
Default = 0,
Error = 1,
MOTD = 2,
Say = 3,
Shout = 4,
Emote = 5,
YellForHelp = 6,
NPCSay = 7,
Group = 8,
Raid = 9,
Guild = 10,
Tell = 11,
OOC = 12,
Auction = 13,
ExpReward = 14,
Death = 15,
Pet = 16,
SkillChange = 17,
AttributeChange = 18,
HarmfulAbilityStart = 19,
HarmfulAbilityActivate = 20,
HarmfulAbilitySuccess = 21,
HarmfulAbilityFail = 22,
BeneficialAbilityStart = 23,
BeneficialAbilityActivate = 24,
BeneficialAbilitySuccess = 25,
BeneficialAbilityFail = 26,
HarmfulAbilityIncomingStart = 27,
HarmfulAbilityIncomingActivate = 28,
HarmfulAbilityIncomingSuccess = 29,
HarmfulAbilityIncomingFail = 30,
BeneficialAbilityIncomingStart = 31,
BeneficialAbilityIncomingActivate = 32,
BeneficialAbilityIncomingSuccess = 33,
BeneficialAbilityIncomingFail = 34,
HarmfulAbilityOtherStart = 35,
HarmfulAbilityOtherActivate = 36,
HarmfulAbilityOtherSuccess = 37,
HarmfulAbilityOtherFail = 38,
BeneficialAbilityOtherStart = 39,
BeneficialAbilityOtherActivate = 40,
BeneficialAbilityOtherSuccess = 41,
BeneficialAbilityOtherFail = 42,
Loot = 43,
Broadcast = 44,
Who = 45,
Faction = 46,
CommandResults = 47,
Consider = 48,
Debug = 49,
ChatChannel = 50,
Weakness = 51,
Parlay = 52,
Ambient = 53,
Rune = 54,
AutoAttack = 55,
Consent = 56,

FORMAT: /togglemytitle
Turn your title display on or off.

FORMAT: /toggletitles
Turns the display of others' titles on and off.


FORMAT: /torch
Toggles your standard torch on or off.

FORMAT: /torch2
Toggles your magical (brighter) torch on or off.

FORMAT: /versioninformation
Prints out information on your software version.

FORMAT: /who [parameters]
Displays a list of online players based on the search parameters provided.
Valid parameters (optional and valid in any order):
"all" - Returns players in the whole world. If this parameter is not specified, only players in your zone will be displayed.
"count" - Returns a count rather than a detailed list.
"guild" - Returns only players in your guild.
"lfg" - Returns only players who are looking for a group. If "adv" or "harv" parameter is provided after "lfg," the search will be narrowed further to that specific sphere.
"lfm" - Returns only group leaders who are seeking a groupmate of your status.
Class (e.g. "Warrior") - Returns only players of the provided class.
Level (e.g. "22") - Returns only players of the provided level. Alternatively, provide 2 numbers in a row (e.g. "22 23") to search for players within a level range.
Crafting Trade (e.g. "Blacksmith") - Returns only players of the provided crafting trade.
Any remaining text will be used as a name/guild query. Use double-quotes to specify a multi-word search.
Example queries:
/who all "Blood Mage" - Returns all Blood Mages.
/who all Warrior 44 46 - Returns all Warriors between levels 44 and 46.
/who guild lfg adv - Returns all guildmates in the current zone who are looking for an adventuring group.
/who all Morb 25 35 - Returns any players between levels 25 and 35 whose name or guild name contains "Morb"
/who all Outfitter - Returns all Outfitters.

FORMAT: /wounds
Displays your wound status to the console.




XVII. Movement










XVIII. Parlay

FORMAT: /citystatus
This gives you information about the civic diplomacy stats in your area. There is a delay between city events and city status having the updated values.




FORMAT: /parleylisten
Pass your current parley turn.


FORMAT: /parleyspeak
Play selected parley statement.

XIX. Psionics




XX. Quest

FORMAT: /deletequest <quest journal entry number>
Removes a quest journal entry from your current set.




XXI. Statistics


FORMAT: /skillmovementset <skill name> <neg|pos|locked>
Sets the movement direction of a skill (gain, atrophy, or locked)

XXII. Time


XXIII. Trade

FORMAT: /coinadd <amount>
Adds coin to your trade offer.

FORMAT: /coinremove <amount>
Removes coin from your trade offer.

FORMAT: /offer [number] <inv item keyword>
Add item(s) from your inventory target to the trade.

FORMAT: /offerremove [number] <offer item keyword>
Remove item(s) from your trade offer.


FORMAT: /trade <player name>
Invites a player to trade with you.





XXIV. Trainer

FORMAT: /trainability <ability name>
Attempt to learn the specified ability from a class trainer.




XXV. Traveljournal

FORMAT: /traveldirections <travel journal entry number>
Gives directions to a travel journal location.









FORMAT: /map
Displays a map of the world centered on your location.

FORMAT: /reloadui
Reloads all XML files and restarts the UI with the new data.



FORMAT: /toggleui
/toggleui will toggle the user interface on and off. Note, to turn it back on while it is off you must enter this command again while your user interface is hidden.


FORMAT: /uidrawscale <number>
Sets the overall UI scale. /uidrawscale <float> - 1 = screen resolution, warning: 0.5 is very small, 1.5 is very big.

FORMAT: /uifontscale <number>
Scales the fonts for all windows to the size specified.

FORMAT: /uiload <filename>
Loads your UI configuration from the xml file specified.

FORMAT: /uiloadhotkeys <filename>
Loads your hot-key configurations from the xml file specified.

FORMAT: /uilock
Locks your UI windows in place so they can't be moved.

FORMAT: /uisave <filename>
Saves your UI configuration to the xml file specified.

FORMAT: /uisavehotkeys <filename>
Saves your hot-key configurations to the xml file specified.

FORMAT: /uiscaleall <number>
Scales the user interface and fonts to the size specified.

FORMAT: /uiwinfontscale <number>
Scales the fonts of the current window (the one your mouse is over) to the size specified.

FORMAT: /uiwinscale <number>
Scales the user interface windows to the size specified.